Saturday, July 24, 2010

"If you could go back and change just one thing about your life, would you? And if you did, would that change make your life better? Or would that change ultimately break your heart? Or break the heart of another? Would you choose an entirely different path? Or would you change just one thing? Just one moment. One moment that you always wanted back."

Well, would you? I don't know that I would. In my mind, that sounds like a great idea. Go back, change this one thing, and everything would be great. But that's a lie. Have you ever seen Ashton Kutcher's movie The Butterfly Effect? He goes back in time and changes little things, just these little things that shouldn't make that big of a difference. But they change EVERYTHING. So yes, while in theory it sounds great, wonderful even, I know that my life today would never be the same. There are things in my life that I wish had gone differently. Things I wish I done differently. Had I done them though, my life could be completely different today. I could not have the friends that I have. I could not live in my own house. I would be a different person...I wouldn't be ME.

So what would you do? If you could change that moment, would you snatch up the opportunity, or let it pass you by?

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